Apaisement et Lâcher Prise.

C’est le thème qui s’est imposé à moi pour 2025. Et il résonne tellement bien que j’ai décidé de l’honorer, un petit peu chaque jour. Alors, je ne vais sans doute pas me lever le matin à 6h20 en chantant joyeusement «Allez Delphine, c’est parti pour une nouvelle journée d’Apaisement et de Lâcher Prise, youhou!»Et je n’ai pas non plus transformé ma maison en temple zen tapissé de post-it «Apaisement et Lâcher Prise» (bon il y a a quand même ...
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Je lui propose de voir la ville autrement, lors d'une promenade à la découverte de ses fresques d'art urbain. Cette ville, elle la connaît bien, pour y avoir travaillé quelques années. Avec enthousiasme, elle enrichit ma proposition, et m'entraîne vers quelques lieux qu'elle affectionne particulièrement, comme le Couvent des Clarisses, véritable bijou niché au cœur de la ville. Nos pas résonnent sur les pavés de Roubaix, le soleil nous réchauffe le visage, nous sommes à l'affût de pépites et de ...
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"I can't complain, there are people who suffer much more than I do""I desperately need a break, but I always appear like the strong guy in the team. It will destroy my reputation" Just couple of examples extracted from past weeks conversations. In a world still dominated by "either/or", I invited those 2 people to explore the POWER OF AND. Fascinating conversations and mindset shift. You are strong. AND need a break.Others have it worse. AND your pain is valid.You ...
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Have you ever faced a situation like this? Your friends organise a party and do not invite youAn appointment you were eagerly anticipating turns into a no-showYour partner forgets your birthdayA teammate takes credit for your work in front of your bossYou’re ghosted by someone you really likeSomeone spreads a false rumour about youYou ask for help when you truly need it, but no one steps up You see, these kinds of situations that make us mad, angry and frustrated, ...
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Il y a 10 ans, j'avais une vie de carte postale. Un job dans une entreprise internationale renommée, un bon gros salaire à 6 chiffres, un compte en banque bien garni, une jolie maison, une famille unie (une garçon et une fille, même, le choix du roi, tiens!), des vacances au bout du monde. Ah ça, j'avais, selon la définition commune, "bien réussi ma vie". Sauf que l'intérieur, que personne ne voyait et que je cachais sous mes vêtements de ...
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0 – 0.5 – 1 – 1.5.

Problème de tendon au niveau de la coiffe des rotateurs depuis quelques mois. Une trentaine de séances de kiné dans les bras, à raison de 2 par semaine, ainsi que des exercices à la maison. Et ce n'est pas fini. Il y a des jours où je me dis que c'est sans fin et sans espoir. Et puis il y en a d'autres où une lueur s'illumine. Il y a quelques mois, un mouvement particulier sans poids dans les mains ...
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A former client reached out to me after a nine-month coaching break. And we had a deep and fascinating conversation, to the point where she asked me to continue coaching her for the next few months. Could I continue to support her on her journey? Yes.Could we have crafted a fresh program tailored to her evolving needs? Absolutely.Could she have become my client once more? Without a doubt. Yet, instead, I found myself saying to her: "I don't think I ...
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Personne ne va venir te chercher.

J'ai eu il y a quelques années une période de ma vie pendant laquelle j'ai procrastiné. Et pas qu'un peu. Je me suis accrochée à ce doux rêve: "Avec ton expérience très riche, ton capital sympathie et toutes tes compétences hard & soft, les clients vont affluer, ça va se bousculer au portillon, et puis on va te proposer des missions de conseil et d'accompagnement en veux tu en voilà, t'inquiète, Delphine, tu n'auras qu'à te baisser pour ramasser". Sans ...
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Coucou ! Caché !

Ciel bleu immaculé, grand soleil. La ligne de crête se découpe précisément dans le ciel. Idéal pour réviser ses sommets. C'est propre, c'est net, c'est prévisible, c'est facile. C'est certes magnifique, mais ne serait-ce pas ennuyeux à la longue? (dixit la nana blasée qui en prend plein la vue à chaque sortie en montagne. J'assume, les amis!) Et j'aime aussi beaucoup beaucoup (mais vraiment beaucoup) quand des nuages sont de la partie. La nature se cache, se révèle, se cache ...
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“I’ve got this energy beneath my feet”.

"I've got this energy beneath my feetLike something underground's gonna come up and carry me"The Killers “Sam’s Town”Since we started our conversation I have this song running in my head. And the more our conversation deepens the louder it pulses. So I just shared it with him. And this lit him up. It turns out he knows the song and he likes it too.We started singing together. What a connection! And this allowed us to go even deeper.There was a ...
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The Song of Ice & Fire.

Fire. The spark of your dreams. Your deepest desires. The playful energy of your inner child. Love in all its forms. Your talents. Your skills. The essence of your unlimited potential. The freedom to explore. The passion that fuels you. The endless possibilities that await. Ice. Fear in its many disguises. Resistance. The Unknown. The sensation of feeling unsafe. Your saboteurs. Your limiting beliefs. Excuses. Procrastination. The lure of comfort. Anything that freezes your progress, erects obstacles and amplifies your ...
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- « Ah bon, il est avocat? Il n’a pas une tête d’avocat pourtant? Il a bonne mine et est toujours souriant! » (ah les préjugés!!!)- « Tu sais, il est passionné de voile et il passe la plus grande partie de son temps libre à naviguer » Cette discussion, surprise dans un lieu public, me fait sourire. Ce monsieur, dont les oreilles ont du siffler pendant quelques minutes, n’a peut-être pas la tête de son emploi, mais il a apparemment celle de son emploi ...
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She works for a large corporation, one of those giants with over 100 000 employees across the globe. Over the past decade, she has been a steady contributor, consistently delivering results and gradually climbing the corporate ladder. She is not a superstar, but she's far from mediocre. She describes herself as a loyal and reliable worker. Recently, the company went through a restructuring, and some of her close colleagues lost their jobs. "You see, it could happen to me anytime ...
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Rencontre fortuite sur le parking du supermarché. Débrief des vacances. Lui: "Et vous êtes partis où en vacances?"Moi: "Nous sommes partis en montagne"Lui: "Ah cool, nous on a changé, d'habitude on part à la montagne, mais là on est partis en Bretagne à la mer, mais c'est vrai que je préfère les vacances à la montagne". Un truc me fait tiquer, je n'arrive pas à mettre le doigt dessus. Et la conversation se poursuit, légère, jusqu'à ce qu'elle se termine, ...
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Ça y est, dans quelques jours c'est la rentrée. Et c'est reparti pour un tour! Une nouvelle année à jongler entre tous ces rôles importants dans la vie (choisis les tiens … parent, enfant, conjoint, ami, pro, chef d'entreprise, bénévole, mentor,etc), tout en s'accordant du temps pour soi. Ce n'est pas tous les jours évident et je remarque cette fâcheuse tendance à s'autoflageller dès qu'on ne fait pas tout bien, ou qu'on n'est pas "assez " (patient, aimable, compréhensif, à ...
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When you shout.When you laugh.When you are kind.When you cry.When you lose your temper.When you apologize.When you offer help.When you stare at your phone all day long.When you criticize.When you celebrate.When you show patience.When you play.When you make mistakes.When you procrastinate.When you work hard.When you say "Thank You".When you say "No".When you show respect.When you set boundaries.When you persevere.When you are rude.When you dream big.When you slam doors.When you listen.When you forgive.When you train.When you gossip.When you screw up.When you ...
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Tu as mis combien de temps?

S'accompagne généralement de "pour arriver en haut" ou "pour boucler la boucle". "En fait, je ne sais pas, et ça n'a aucune importance". Bien souvent, c'est la montagne qui me dicte son rythme. Si je me cale sur celui de mes compagnons d'escapade, c'est bien trop rapide et je me mets dans le rouge. Alors tout en activant les jambes, je vagabonde le nez au vent. Tiens, là, des fraises des bois, miam. Et là des framboises, re-miam. Oh, le ...
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* Focus, Fulfillment, Future, Faith, Freedom, Forge, Flourish, Fuel, Feel, Fantasy, Fun, Flow, Fly* Engage, Elevate, Energy, Explore, Experience, Experiment, Envision, Excitement, Enthusiasm, Expand* Achieve, Aspire, Awaken, Appreciate, Awareness, Act, Accelerate, Amplify* Rise, Realize, Radiate, Resolve, Resilience, Renewal, Revitalize, Reward, Reflect, Rest Looks like F.E.A.R has a lot of potential! Push your boundaries, I know you can do scared. Be Brave, Delphine #TheCourageofBeing Photo - AM - Feeling a lot of F.E.A.R and a little bit of fear accessing Les ...
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Je me suis plusieurs fois retrouvée dans la situation de lire un bouquin, d'en arriver (presque) à la fin et de me dire, "je l'ai déjà lu en fait". Idem pour les films. Mon mari qui me retrouve dans le canapé "Tu as tellement aimé que tu le revois?" "Hein?" "Ben oui, les Affranchis, on l'a vu ensemble la semaine dernière" "Ah voilà pourquoi depuis le début ça me dit vaguement quelque chose". Véridique. "Nous sommes déjà passés par là ...
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June has been a storm of emotions and states. Joy, Excitement, Insecurity, Fear, Worry, Extreme Fatigue, Relief, Satisfaction, Optimism, Enthusiasm, Pride, Frustration, Discomfort, Delight, Shock, Fun. Each of my many personal and professional projects was incredibly exciting on its own. Yet, as things piled up, they lost their initial flavor, becoming a long list of “must-do” items that filled my days. This flavor turned bitter when, on top of an already weak shoulder, I had a small hiking accident and, ...
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En Théorie, les trains partent et arrivent à l'heure.En Théorie, les températures sont de saison.En Théorie, les orques ne s'aventurent pas dans la Seine.En Théorie, les avions ne se volatilisent pas comme ça dans les airs.En Théorie, les enfants écoutent toujours leurs parents.En Théorie, les ordinateurs ne se plantent jamais, les airbags des C3 ne sont pas défectueux, les batteries des téléphones portables ne se déchargent pas à la vitesse de la lumière et l'obsolescence programmée n'existe pas.En Théorie, les ...
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J'éprouve un amour profond pour mon pays, la France. Cette France qui, il y a des années, a accueilli ma Maman, venue de Pologne, et avant elle, mes grands-parents paternels. Cette France dans laquelle je vis depuis 48 ans, et dans laquelle j'ai eu le privilège de grandir, de m'épanouir, de m'exprimer, et de choisir mon propre chemin. Cette France dans laquelle aujourd'hui grandissent mes enfants, qui autorise le Mariage pour Tous, et qui vient d'inscrire le droit à l'avortement ...
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A boss always on your back, micromanaging every aspect of your work?A partner who is talking, choosing, deciding and thinking on your behalf?Parents who are pushing you to embrace a certain path to fulfill their own dreams?The societal norms, do this not that?Dependence of any kind? Have you ever felt like a puppet on a string, with circumstances and expectations dictating your every move? Measuring very step you take? Weighing each decision in your life against the fear of judgment ...
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L’inspiration du Brocoli.

Le chou Romanesco est une petite merveille. Je pourrais passer des heures à contempler un chou Romanesco, fascinée par ces spirales vertes qui se répètent à l'infini. Sauf que voilà, comme nous ne sommes pas à la maison de grands adeptes du chou Romanesco, c'est en scrutant Monsieur le Brocoli dans ma cuisine que m'est venue l'idée de ces quelques lignes.La nature regorge de structures fractales (les lignes de contours des montagnes, les côtes maritimes, les ramifications des cours d'eau ...
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Our paths first crossed many years ago and though we weren't particularly close, I always liked and respected her. About 20 years later, she reached out with the following message: "I am in a period of transitions on many different fronts, including personal, but also professional - as I have been struggling to find a purpose in my daily job - a new reality that I need to face courageously and with action. I was wondering if you’d be open ...
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“Je ne suis pas fou, ma réalité est juste différente de la vôtre” (Chat du Cheshire)

Toute ressemblance avec des situations réelles n'est absolument pas fortuite. > "J'aimerais tant me remettre au yoga, mais il m'est impossible de trouver 30 minutes par jour." OK. Jetons un œil au temps que tu as passé sur ton téléphone hier, et particulièrement à ton temps passé sur Instagram ou à jouer à des jeux à la con. > "Je n'ai pas confiance en moi. Je ne me sens pas capable d'aller discuter de ma carrière avec mon N+2". Et ...
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* My deep faith that the Universe is benevolent* Being conscious of my value, my values and of what I am capable of* Not being attached to what other people think* Creating and playing my "Enough Money Game"* Taking baby steps forward* Watching my kids grow into great human beings* Connecting to my breath and embracing Nature around* Practicing gratitude on a daily basis* Not taking myself too seriouslyYour turn … what is ONE tip of yours to stop worrying?Love,DelphinePhoto ...
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"Delphine, you will study hard. You will land a great job. You will make money. And money will bring you freedom and safety." This is essentially the belief I grew up with. And you know what? I did land that great job, and started making money beyond my wildest dreams. But here is the unexpected twist: as my husband and I became parents, and homeowners, despite both of us being breadwinners, my stress and insecurity levels skyrocketed. The mortgage, raising ...
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Remember those days when the world was a canvas for your imagination. Where your environment was an immense playground, sparking your creativity. And where the ordinary could become extraordinary. Because you looked at what was surrounding you with wonder, curiosity and had this special ability to find magic everywhere. When my clients become brainy I often invite them to connect with their inner child. And you would be surprised by the depth of wisdom and insights that come out. My ...
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Je le veux et je l’aurai.

C'est l'heure pour elle de trouver un stage de fin d'études. 90% de ses camarades de promo ont trouvé le leur. Et certains, pas des plus bienveillants lui font d'ailleurs remarquer: "Tu n'as toujours pas trouvé ton stage? Mais va falloir te dépêcher quand même…" Ce n'est pas facile à entendre, sa confiance en elle s'en trouve facilement ébranlée. Et il serait bien tentant et facile de se rabattre sur ces grosses entreprises en demande qui viennent directement démarcher dans ...
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When I start coaching someone, I often kick things off with this question: "Who are you?" And you know what? Every single time, the person comes back with something like… "I am a project leader at xxx""I am the Finance Director for abc business""I am an Innovation leader""I am the founder of this company""I am a former CMO at zzz" Sounds pretty much like a LinkedIn profile in conversation form! Then, I like to dig a bit deeper: "Sure, that's ...
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> Je me fous de ce que vous pensez de moi. Je connais ma valeur, et je vis selon mes valeurs et mes convictions. Que ça vous plaise ou non m'est complètement égal.> Je me fous du "networking", des cocktails et des mondanités. Je préfère prendre le temps avec une personne seulement et une personne à la fois.> Je me fous des apparences. Ni ta valeur ni la mienne ne se mesurent à la voiture que nous conduisons ou aux ...
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Some people in my circle work relentlessly for 6 weeks then enjoy a full week off. Others choose to dedicate all their afternoons to their children or practicing their favorite sport, while being fully committed to their paying jobs in the mornings. Some juggle most of the year between volunteering, family, professional responsibilities, and reserve the entire summer for personal rejuvenation. The spectrum of lifestyle configurations is infinite. And what suits you today might not meet your needs 6 months ...
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La cotation qui fait peur.

Alors que je n'éprouve aucune appréhension à aller tâter du 6b/6b+ directement en tête (même s'il m'arrive de tomber!), j'ai une petite boule au ventre rien qu'à voir cette étiquette indiquant 6c . C'est systématique. Le plus souvent, je souffle un coup, je pars quand même explorer en tête malgré la boule au ventre. Parfois ça passe, parfois je tombe. Et à force de travail et d'itérations, un jour ça passe, et parfois jamais. C'est ainsi et je l'accepte parfaitement ...
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Rise. Yourself.Inspire. OthersStrive. For what you really want.Kickstart. Take actions. One step at a time. One step every day. Ready? Steady? Go! Be brave. Love, Delphine Photo - DP - Jan 2024 ...
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When I was first approached by a company to share my expertise in strategic, organizational, and supply chain matters, self-doubt kicked in strongly. Here I was, with over two decades of experience as a Supply Chain leader, managing multimillion-dollar projects for multi-billion dollar businesses, and yet, I questioned my ability to add unique value. The term "EXPERTISE" intimidated me. But, voilà! My love for challenges and exploration took over, and I decided to embrace this opportunity. It involved engaging in ...
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DRINNN !!!! C’est l’heure de la récré !

Quand nous étions petits, elle était synonyme de rires, de jeux, de liberté, et de retrouvailles avec les copains. Pour Jeanne au collège et pour Mayol au lycée, elle sonne toujours, et même si sa nature change, elle reste à les entendre synonyme de rires, de jeux, de liberté et de retrouvailles avec les copains. Qu'en est-il pour nous, qui parfois (trop souvent) nous sommes laissés emporter par le tourbillon de la vie d'adulte, notre âme d'enfant entraînée profondément dans ...
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One of my clients felt he was not getting enough money from his current job. He wanted to claim for a salary increase and asked for my support to prepare for this request. But this is not the way it works. Preparing for this discussion with his boss and HR department might have been what my client WANTED as that moment it time. But it did not feel like it was what he NEEDED at that moment in time. So ...
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J'ai toujours beaucoup aimé l'algèbre. Dérivées, intégrales, fonctions, suites, équations. Miam. Alors quand Mayol m'annonce régulièrement :"J'ai un contrôle de Maths", j'ai les yeux qui pétillent. "Chouette chouette chouette, je vais pouvoir m'amuser". Et je récupère les sujets. A l'exercice "Est-il possible de trouver un entier naturel n non nul tel que la fraction (9n-8)/(3n+1) soit un nombre entier?", j'ai posé X=3n. Ça s'appelle un changement de variable. Et ça m'a bien simplifié la résolution du problème! Mais bon, il ...
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She has more than 15 years of experience as a Supply Chain leader in Food and Healthcare industry, in 3 different European countries, where she dealt with responsibilities at local, regional and global level. She is fluent in driving large projects (up to 50 million euros budget) in a very complex environment. She is able to collaborate effectively across levels, functions and geographies. And she regularly intervenes in European events as an expert in her field. It is not my ...
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Tampes, Môle, Uble, Posettes, Combloux, Mayères, Anterne, Roc des Tours, Salève, Col de Niard, Cessens, Grand Colombier, Tête de Torraz, Tête des Lindars, Crêt de la Goutte, Thônes, Col de Fer, Taillefer, Rochers de l'Aigle, Pointe de la Fougère, Grand Roc, Mont Llaret, Lac de Camporells, Angroustine, Carlit, Cambra d'Ase, Gorges de Caranca, Aiguille de Serraval, Chaurionde, Sambuy, Mont Colombier, Rochers de Bade, Lac de la Vogealle, Tré le Molard, Mont de la Coche, Monts d'Ain, Armenaz, Pécloz, Quatre Têtes, ...
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"Listen to the band that playing just for meListen to the people paying just for meAll the aplause and all the praiseand lot of money I had madeoh, it´s lonely at the top(The Divine Comedy "Lonely at the top") -- Nine months ago, one of my clients ascended to the role of COO, a position she hadn't initially envisioned as a career opening. Both thrilled and worried, she thought twice before accepting this new challenge. No regret. She loves it ...
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Find : "I am not good enough"Replace : "I am learning and improving every day. I am more than enough to make a difference" Find: "I am lacking self-confidence"Replace: "I am courageous and I am doing one bold step every day" Find : "I am too old to start my own business"Replace : "I have a great idea and I am passionate about exploring it" Find : "I should fit in"Replace : "I commit to cultivate my uniqueness" Your turn ...
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Méditer en tailleur sur un coussin . C’est pas mon truc.Les soirées à 30 avec la musique à fond. C’est pas mon truc.Bosser dans un bureau 9h-17h+++. Ce n’est plus mon truc.L’escalade en falaise, la haute montagne, les crampons, la glace, les nuits en refuge, les réveils à 3h du mat’, c’est pas mon truc.Les rencontres réseaux à échanger des cartes de visite. C'est pas mon truc.La course à pied, la natation, les vacances en communauté, lézarder sur la plage, ...
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231 ans : âge cumulé de Mick Jagger, Keith Richards & Ron Wood. Les Stones viennent de sortir "Hackney Diamonds" leur dernier album studio, que je trouve personnellement très bien! 93 ans et 83 ans : âges de Charly et Barbara, finishers de l'édition 2023 du Marathon de Paris. 75 ans: âge de JP, un de mes compagnons de rando. Cette saison il s'est enquillé trois 4000m à quelques semaines d'intervalle (Toubkal, Mont-Blanc, Grand Paradis), un paquet de 3000, et ...
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As a parent, a child, a sibling, you love them and you care for them -- Your family members.As a friend, you cherish them -- Your closest companions.As a team leader, you support them -- Your team mates.As a neighbour, you are there for them -- Your community members. But remember … you are also a part of the family, the circle of friendship, the team, and the community. And you deserve to grant yourself the same abundance of love, ...
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Ce serait dommage de jeter les clés dans l'égout.Les clients que j’accompagne sont pour la plupart bourrés d’envies et de projets et pleins de possibilités pour les réaliser. Mais quand vient le sujet de “par quoi je commence?”, eh bien, il est fréquent que ça bloque. Qui a décrété que si tu pousses la porte A elle se refermerait à jamais derrière toi?Et même si?Qui a décrété que dans la pièce A il n’y avait pas d’autres ouvertures ?Qui a décrété que ...
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Pourtant j’ai regardé partout. Les cailloux sur le chemin, les arbres, des troncs aux branches, et des racines aux feuilles, les nuages, les fleurs, les lacs et les flaques, les fruits, les légumes, les brins d’herbe. J’ai inspecté mon corps de la pointe de mes orteils au sommet de ma tête. J’ai observé attentivement le visage de mes enfants. J’ai croisé des marmottes, des chamois, des chiens, des chats, des vaches, des moutons, des mouches, des araignées, et même des vers ...
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Last Sunday I went on a seriously tough hike. La Traversée du Bargy via le couloir des Ranges up to La Pointe Blanche (Haute-Savoie forever 😎 ). 1800 meters of cumulative ascent and 15 kilometers. I knew it would be a beast of a hike, and confident in my abilities to endure, I consciously signed up for the challenge. Climbing through that steep, rocky corridor was a funny game I really enjoyed, and the view up-hill was mind-blowing. Yet, there ...
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Same period year ago, my daughter Jeanne started complaining about an intense pain in her wrist. It took us 3 months to figure out what was going on so that she could finally be relieved from her pain. 3 months during which our family had to cope with doctors appointments, medical exams, and physiotherapy sessions. Jeanne missed school occasionally and had to catch-up on her lessons. My husband informed his boss several times he is taking few hours off to ...
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I recently took one of my clients to a breathtaking Salève spot for a half-day intensive session where she had the opportunity to define the life she wants to create. As we concluded our session, she excitedly remarked, "It's a proven concept now, you know it works, you can bring more clients to this spot. This is amazing!" Yet, here's the thing: I'm not particularly eager to replicate this experience for someone else at this particular spot with same content ...
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Ça fait 2 heures que nous crapahutons joyeusement dans l’agréable via ferrata qui grimpe la face ouest du Catinaccio. Il est un peu plus de midi, et les estomacs commencent à gargouiller. Et on arrive LÀ. LÀ, c’est le Passo Santner. Je reçois comme une claque en pleine figure. Mouvement de recul par réflexe. Une émotion viscérale qui me prend aux tripes et se répand dans tout mon corps. Je reste clouée sur place, hypnotisée pendant quelques secondes par ce ...
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Je ne me pose pas la question. Je prends les 2. Quelle que soit la saison, la météo annoncée, la difficulté de la sortie, dès que je pars marcher à la journée, mon sac à dos pèse "à vide" dans les 4 kilos. DoudouneGore-TexDes graines à grignoter1.5L d'eauLe combo gagnant : bonnet + petits gants + buffLunettes de soleilPapiers identité / assurance / CB / un peu de cash / le téléphoneUne mini-trousse à pharmacieUn stylo, un sifflet, un carnet, ...
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"You are a free woman. I wish I could feel that way too. But there are still chains I need to break". And we started exploring this idea. Here is what I believe. I believe we all have chains. Those doubts, fears, sneaky limiting beliefs and life obligations that sometimes keep us from feeling totally free. I believe those chains come in various shapes, sizes, materials and thicknesses. Some look soft yet are very solid. Some seem heavy but when ...
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She tells me about how life at work is affecting her. The poor content of her job, the toxic relationship with her boss, her lack of perspectives, and the unfulfilled promises for promotion. "How do I cope with that?" -I don't buy into this story. So now, let's invent a new story with the same characters. The thread of this new story is "You are the problem, not them." I saw a wide range of emotions on her face—shock, puzzlement, ...
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If you cannot risk, if you stay in your comfort zone, how will you grow ? How will you keep developing yourself? How do you become the best version of yourself? How do you offer your best talents to the world? If you go through your life without ever feeling butterflies in your stomach or feeling scared shitless, you are not playing big enough. Your are hiding your best self. Good news#1 : TO PLAY BIG … START SMALL. You ...
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Il y a celles visibles par tous. Entaille laissée par un bout de ferraille, pied gauche, souvenir de jeux entre cousins sur un terrain vague où nous avions bien évidemment interdiction de mettre les pieds. Front, chute dans l'escalier chez mes parents. Tibia gauche, roller à Paris, rencontre fortuite avec un trottoir. Genou droit, opération ménisque. Coudes et genoux, cette envie irrépressible de faire un câlin aux rochers présents sur les sentes alpines. Il y a celles encore visibles lors d'examens médicaux ...
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Summer Vibes.

I bought this mug second-hand for a mere 50 cents. And it brings me joy every day. Tell me, what is ONE thing in your life that brightens your day, without costing a penny? Hold onto that feeling. Happy Summer ! Love, Delphine #TheCourageofBeing ...
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Savourer l’Inattendu.

Week-end prolongé à Florence. J'ai délibérément choisi de zapper la visite du Musée des Offices et celle de La Galleria dell'Academia. Je n'ai donc pas vu, de mes yeux vu le David de Michel-Ange, la Naissance de Venus de Botticelli ou la Méduse du Caravage.Et j'en retire une joie immense.La joie d'avoir laissé s'inviter l'Inattendu:> Une immersion dans l'univers de Banksy par le biais d'un son et lumière captivant au cœur d'une église médiévale.> La messe du dimanche de Pentecôte, ...
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Impossible Guarantees.

Kicked-out after 30 years of service: "Too old and too expensive".Always fit and healthy. A bad pain in the stomach. And the doctor diagnoses cancer.One of you relatives dies suddenly.You divorce after 35 years of marriage.You follow a friend's advise and invest all your savings in a safe investment that appears to be a Ponzi scheme. You lose it all. Look around you. Sound familiar? Most of us crave assurance, stability, absolute security, the promise of a perfect health, unwavering ...
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J’ai perdu le feu sacré.

Plus envie de faire du sport, d'aller grimper, d'aller marcher dans le Vuache ou ailleurs. Des excuses à foison. "De toute façon il ne fait pas beau, je dois organiser les vacances d'été, l'anniversaire de Jeanne, faire ma valise pour partir à Lyon, accueillir les copains de passage, tondre la pelouse entre deux averses". Et puis l'envie va bien finir par revenir. Bah non. Le sport est essentiel à ma santé mentale et physique. Et être en forme physique et mentale est une de ...
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 > Shall we rock a new font for tomorrow's board presentation? GELMO> I've practiced it 10 times already, but maybe one more rehearsal for my audition? GELMO.> Haven't sent out my application yet. I'm sure I can enhance my CV even more. GELMO.> Exams are looming. I've reviewed everything, but maybe I should push it further? Allez ... One more glance before bed! GELMO.> Should I fine-tune this post a bit more and add that extra spark before hiting "Send"? ...
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Gravir les échelons

Il y a l'échelle qui nous semble sans fin.Celle qui une fois gravie, offre la promesse d'autres murs à aller explorer.Celle à laquelle on s'accroche désespérément, pour se rendre compte, un peu tard, qu'elle n'est pas posée contre le bon mur. Et il y a celle qui n'est accolée à aucun mur. Qui offre la perspective de l'infini et ouvre le champ des possibles. Au sommet de la via ferrata de Thônes … un petit encart scellé dans la roche: "La vue ...
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J'ai oublié la farine dans les financiers.Je suis entrée dans un parking souterrain limité en hauteur à 1,70m, alors que la voiture que je conduisais était plus haute.J'ai zappé qu'il y avait une double barrière au péage du parking de l'aéroport de Lyon.J'ai bitché sur une connaissance alors qu'elle était à portée d'oreilles.J'ai perdu mes clés de voiture, et accusé toute la maisonnée de vol caractérisé, pour les retrouver quelques heures plus tard dans le frigo.J'ai pris un train en ...
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I recently upgraded my iOS to version 16.3.1. Just a click. The apps on my phone upgrade automatically. It happens to us all the time with our electronic equipment. Yet, how many of us live with beliefs that have been carried away over decades? Habits that does not do us any good any longer but that we keep nurturing, because "they have always been here"? About how we approach the various events of our life, how we raise our kids, ...
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La grâce du flamant rose.

Dimanche ensoleillé. Rando jurassienne. Seuls au monde. La plénitude. Jusqu'à ce que le malheur du randonneur m'assaille. Le caillou dans la chaussure. Pas le gros caillou dont il est immédiatement nécessaire de se débarrasser sans quoi il t'est impossible d'avancer. Non non non. Le caillounet, le cailloutis, tout petit, tu le sens il est là, mais "il va bien finir par se loger à un endroit pas gênant", "et puis je peux quand même encore tenir un peu, c'est vrai ...
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What if this company I had interviews with does not call me back to offer me the job?What if I do not make it ?What if I do make it ?What if she says "NO" to my offer ?What if the relationship I am engaging into is not as fulfilling as it looks?What if after 3 months I figure out this is not the right place for me to live in? I hear "What if" scenarios from my clients all ...
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How do you know your day is made ? That it is enough ? Is that when you cross your last item on your to do list ?Is that when your boss congratulates you with a "Great Job" ?Is that when your kids hug you when you come back home ?Is that when there is a special feeling in your belly? I spent many years longing for more. More power, more recognition, more money, more possessions, more responsibilities. And it took me ...
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Soyons timbrés, affranchissons-nous!

> Du regard des autres> Du "il faut que"> Des gens toxiques que nous gardons dans notre entourage sous prétexte "qu'on était potes il y a 20 ans".> Du "c'est comme ça"> Du "j'y peux rien"> De ces schémas mentaux qu'on traîne depuis qu'on est tout petit> De "demander la permission"> De tous ces films qui tournent en permanence dans notre tête Et quoi d'autre? Vous me dites? Affectueusement,Delphine ...
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SELF WORTH."I am not pretty enough""I am not making enough money""I want to be promoted, so that people will call me 'Vice President'"I know this VIP personally" Tell me, be honest, how much are the following dictating your self-worth?- Your appearance- Your possessions- Your title- Who you know I'd be honest with you. There were times in my life the above was extremely important to me, and it still surfaces from time to time. So be it. It is part of the ...
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What are your rules?What is your playfield?Who are you playing with? In a game , you are out of the traditional success / failure mentality. You play. You have fun. You shake hands. And you carry on. Or you start another game. Or you reinvent the rules of your usual game, so that it is a bit more spicy. IT'S ALL CREATED. Examples of games I invented or I borrowed from others to play my life and to open new ...
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Depuis plusieurs semaines, Jeanne, ma fille de 13 ans s'est mis en tête d'apprendre à siffler.Alors elle s'entraîne, longtemps, longtemps, 2 doigts de chaque côté de la bouche. "Peut-être que ça ne sert à rien de savoir siffler, mais moi ça me plaît". > Si, ça sert de savoir siffler. Si tu es membre des Sharks ou des Jets, c'est primordial.> Qui a décrété que tout dans la vie devait "servir" à quelque chose? Savoir se faire plaisir et reconnaître ...
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INTENSITY over Speed and SENSATION over Shape.

When I workout during my HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) session, I often hear the instructor say: "Don't go for Speed. Go for INTENSITY". When I practice Yoga, there is always this gentle reminder from the coach. "It does not matter if your heels don't touch the floor or if you need a generous bend in the knees. Go for what feels good. SENSATION over shape". Beyond physical exercise, I realize how much I embrace those pieces of advise in ...
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Turn back to move forward.

How often do you turn back, pause and reflect on what you have accomplished so far? I usually pause for this exercise 2 to 3 times a year. This is the frequency that works best for me. As I recently consciously and deeply reflected on July-December 2022, I am amazed by the steps I have taken during that period of time and that, one at a time brought me to where and who I am today. How about you giving ...
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Why should it be the Friday night cheap drink ? What do you want to create today that will contribute to you being happy? Does not even have to last one hour. Make it real. Make it precious. Make it count. Happy New Year. Love Delphine ...
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Pick up a song. The "How" is entirely up to you.Listen to it. Deeply. Truly. Breathe it. Feel it.And tell me … how does it feel ? > Game on - Catatonia> Don’t stop me now - Queen> Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie> The Best Mistakes - The Divine Comedy> Beautiful Day - U2> Not ready yet - Eels> Ready to Start - Arcade Fire> Exhausted - Joseph Arthur> Because I’m me - The Avalanches> Shine a light - ...
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"I am who I am, it is far too late for me to change anything" " What would other people think if I start embarking in this journey?""Anyway I don't have time for that. Work and Family obligations already suck up all my time and energy""I don't feel like meditating 30 minutes every day. This is not my thing"."It is too complicated to change my habits". Most people think that "Reinventing yourself" is a too high mountain to climb. I ...
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What is your CONTRIBUTION?

CONTRIBUTION inspires me. CONTRIBUTION is bigger than who I am and bigger than who I will ever be.CONTRIBUTION is a bubbling and blooming colourful fire ball inside, transforming into sparkling fireworks outside.CONTRIBUTION warms me up but does not burn.CONTRIBUTION is a gentle push on the back, and a committed pull forward, and a hand that pulls me steady up and a soft blow from the ground that lifts me up. At the same time.CONTRIBUTION is damn Playful and bloody Serious.CONTRIBUTION ...
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End of October 2022. Family day at Europapark, a well-know amusement park in Germany. The teens : "We are so exciting Mum, we will ride the Silver Star! Last time we came here we were 5 and 8 and we were too young to go there! That's so cool. The 4 of us on the Silver Star!" Me: "Yeah, that's very cool. I am very excited too". Joke. With a height of 73 meters and a drop of 67 meters, The Silver Star ...
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According to the UN, the world's population has hit 8 billion this week. 8 billion human souls. Some of them will support you whatever you do.Some of them will criticize you whatever you do.Most of them do not care of what you do. Actually, the vast majority does not even know you exist. So, who do you want to play for? Love,Delphine ...
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Few weeks ago I met a guy.I must admit I had many biases before even engaging in a discussion with him!In fact, one mutual relationship told me "why do you even bother talking to him? I experienced working with him few years ago, and honestly, it did not go well". Since we were participating to the same workshop, avoiding him was not really an acceptable strategy.And actually what I was told piqued my curiosity. So this guy and I ended up chatting ...
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> C'est le prof de Physique, il explique mal !> C'est mon boss, il ne se bagarre pas assez pour que j'obtienne cette promotion que je mérite tant> C'est mon mari, il pourrait voir hein que j'ai besoin d'aide pour porter tous ces cartons> Ce sont ces gens qui me calent des réunions tard le soir, et qui m'empêchent de faire du sport SNIF. L'Univers s'acharne. > Si tu ne comprends pas, demande qu'on t'explique.> Si tu veux ce job, ...
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When I started climbing, I was terrified risking a fall. I saw all those climbers at the gym taking incredible falls, and getting back on the wall. Crazy stunts ! I started freezing when I was at the edge and always asked my belayer to hold me. I would not risk a fall. And it did not prevent me from progressing. But I knew this was a critical point for me to overcome. And that it would impact my life ...
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Ben pourquoi tu n’es pas venue à la plage?

Côté pile, une femme débordante d'énergie, qui est souvent partante pour des tonnes d'activités, et qui se donne à fond.Côté face, une ermite qui se replie dans son cocon, en maîtrise totale du mode loque. Ceux qui ont fait l'expérience du côté face se comptent sur les doigts des 2 mains grand max. Normal ... Déjà il m'a fallu un paquet d'années pour l'accepter, et puis, quand je suis à plat, ou quand simplement je sens que j'ai besoin de ...
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Elle est la fusion de Space X et Caterpillar. Quand elle a décidé un truc, toi tu n’as même pas encore compris que la décision était prise qu’elle a déjà lu tous les bouquins sur le sujet, qu’elle a pris 3 rendez-vous, et qu’elle t’attend dans la voiture, parce que «faut y aller maintenant». Elle est déterminée, fonceuse, active, efficace, dynamique. Le côté obscur de ses forces, c’est que parfois elle a du mal à réaliser que le commun des ...
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Crozon Peninsula. Brittany. July 2022. Family holidays on the sea side. Nice weather, rest on the beach, gatherings with friends and hikes here and there (obviously!). As usual, Mayol and Jeanne, respectively 15 and 13 are leading the way and we are hardly following, not even trying to match their pace. From time to time, they are waiting for us. When they are thirsty, when we are at crossroads or when they have a question. “Mum, I’d like to sell ...
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Stop & Think OR Move & Do.

She tells me how much her thinking is interfering with her doing. Every time she takes a decision, though she is acting to transform this decision into something real, her mind keeps whispering "Are you sure you took the RIGHT decision?", "What if you are stuck?","Did you consider all the parameters?". She starts doubting, to a point the impact of her actions is diminished and her thinking is not effective. When I am on the wall, climbing, when my all-or-nothing ...
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Il y a 8 ans, Jeanne m’a offert un collier pour la fête des mères. Un cordon anthracite au bout duquel trônait un pendentif en pierre grise qu’elle avait façonné avec ses petites mains à l’école maternelle. Une baleine. J’ai tout de suite adoré ce sautoir. A force d’être porté, le cordon s’est élimé et a fini par casser. J’ai rangé le pendentif dans une petite pochette en tulle, me promettant d’aller rapidement à la mercerie changer le cordon. Le ...
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I press the button on my toothbrush, type on my computer keyboard, boil water for my tea, enter a Zoom conference, answer emails and whatsapp messages, manage my schedule, pick up the phone, arrange for a doctor appointment, etc. Most of my days are filled with mechanical tasks. I am not a robot tough. Neither are you. We are human beings. Flesh and blood. Easy to forget sometimes. The soil beneath my feet supports me as I hike.Sweat purifies me ...
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Nice One. New Opportunity. No Offense. NO is not a dirty word. NO is an acceptable answer to any request you might receive or you might formulate. And NO does not require any justification, any “Because” attached to it. NO is a sentence on it’s own. Next time someone says NO to what you offer, don’t take it personally. Celebrate, and move on. There are plenty of doors to open and there are plenty of people to play with. Keep ...
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En Thérapie. Arte.tv. Saison 2. Episode 9. «A la fête foraine de l’angoisse vous n’êtes pas obligé d’essayer tous les manèges». Cette phrase prononcée par le Dr Philippe Dayan à l’égard de son patient m’a scotchée au canapé. C’est tellement vrai. On n’est pas obligé de se monter des scénarios catastrophes, de s’arracher les cheveux et de se faire du mal pour rien. Et pourtant on le fait tout le temps, moi la première! Je suis en effet une grande ...
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Did it ever happen to you? I stay quiet in meetings or I keep nodding. In fact I keep telling people what they want to hear and doing what they want me to do. I desperately want to be liked.I applied to 5 jobs and did not get any positive reply. I will give up and rather stay where I am. In fact, if I am rejected, I’m not likely to try again.I want to write a novel. My boy-friend ...
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When I talk about my path, it is fairly common people react by saying «Hey, you engaged into something very different from what you were doing in corporate!». Actually, it did happen not later than yesterday. And every time it strikes me. Because for me, it does not really feel my work as a coach is very much different from my work as a leader in a corporate environment. You see, when I was working at P&G, I was driven ...
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Last summer, for the first time since I left my parents' house, I managed to put all my clothes in a single wardrobe. And all my shoes in the hall cupboard. Without buying extra furniture, and without taking over any of my family member's space. Don't laugh, this is a massive achievement. For decades, despite the very decent size of my dressing room, I have been packing my light dresses and sleeveless t-shirts in carton boxes during the cold season, ...
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Depuis combien de temps? Dans quelles circonstances? Comment est-il? Est-ce celui d’un super-héros? Celui d’un général, bardé de galons? La bure d’un pèlerin depuis longtemps sur le chemin? Ce pull en cachemire qui m’apporte du réconfort? Ou carrément l’armure en fer? Est-il flambant neuf avec les boutons qui brillent? Usé aux coudes? Troué? Reprisé? Est-il trop grand? Trop petit? Est-il sur mesure? Peut-être que je l’ai cousu moi-même? Ou me l’a-t-on offert? Qui suis-je quand je le porte? Est-ce que ...
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"I have a great life, yet I feel miserable. It is not acceptable isn't it? Some people have the right to complain, but I can't, really, look at me, great job, healthy family, dream house...". You feel that something is wrong. And it is bugging in your head. You call it a problem. And you are good at solving problems, aren't you? You are doing it at work and at home every day. "I need to fix it". And the ...
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Je suis ...Impatiente, arrogante, susceptible, anxieuse, rancunière, irritable, dure, chiante, colérique, impulsive, une vraie tête de mule, critique, râleuse, près de mes sous, obsédée par ma sangle abdominale, autoritaire, voire dictatoriale, intransigeante, cassante, cynique, orgueilleuse, égoïste, compétitive.Oui, je suis tout ça, aussi. Je le sais. Et j’assume. Complètement.Je suis parfaitement imparfaite et en paix avec ça.Je sais que mes zones d'ombre sont le pendant de ma brillance.Loin d’êtres opposés, mes pôles sont complémentaires, et intégrés en la personne que je suis.Le ...
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“I am working on this big project revamping the overall supply chain set up for the business. I started six months ago, and gosh, I find it so boring. Sure I step beyond my comfort zone, but the more it goes the more I realize I do no particularly enjoy working on long term strategy plans. I am a hands-on guy. What I really enjoy is being on the floor, close to my teams, bring the best out of my ...
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I block every Tuesday off in my calendar. Providing good weather conditions, I go outdoor for a hike. The day before yesterday, none of my usual “partners in hike” was available. After several hesitations and excuses (weather is not that good, I am a bit tired, I’d better work on this important tender), I decided to shut my carousel of saboteurs off, and headed towards the Alps. The truth is it is far easier for me to commit to someone ...
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20 seconds.

How long does it take to press the “send” button for your post to be published?How long does it take to call a friend for help?How long does it take to register to this course you are targeting for months?How long does it take to schedule a conversation with your boss about your future in the company?How long does it take to invite the person you have a crush on for a drink?How long does it take to say a ...
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Watchout spoiler, my personal answer to this question is “HELL, YES!".You are demanding, tough, sharp, direct, fair, hard-working, action-oriented, unleashing the potential of every single person you get in touch with. People knock at your door to be part of your team. And it keeps surprising you.For as long as we worked together, I never saw you compromise on who you are.Yet, you admit you wonder what piece of advice to gift those new leaders who want to climb the ...
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This quote from Bruce Lee is one of my key drivers in life.Let's play ...* To hell with PERFECTION, I experiment GOOD ENOUGH.* To hell with buying THINGS, I nurture RELATIONSHIPS.* To hell with the DESTINATION, I welcome the JOURNEY.* To hell with PLEASING, I focus on SERVING.* To hell with worry about WHAT I COULD HAVE, I enjoy WHAT I HAVE.* To hell with fixing MY WEAKNESSES, I play to MY STRENGTHS.* To hell with COMFORT, I LEAN INTO ...
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Just for today I will enjoy my life.Just for today I will nurture the colours of my rainbow.Just for today I will create my own sun and spread my energy around.Just for today I will create my own rain by making a tiny step out of my comfort zone.Just for today I will connect with Nature.Just for today I will respect and take care of my body. I will stretch it gently or workout more fiercely. Depends on what it ...
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I created this badge months ago. And I started wearing it everyday. And as time passed, it ended up in a drawer. Shame on me! I proudly pinned it on my colourful handbag, so that it spreads the word wherever I go. Because it is true. “Je kiffe ma life”, and it deserves to be said. Your turn, what is the badge you proudly want to wear? Love, Delphine ...
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Being born and raised in a safe and democratic country.Having a roof over my head.Having enough money to feed my family.Being healthy.My gender.The colour of my skin. And you should not either. Most of the people who are reading this post are privileged. AND SO IT IS. The real question is: “What do you create from this place?” I awaken possibilities in highly committed and inspiring people. I encourage them to lean into their edge. And then they really fly: ...
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As a theme for 2021 I have chosen to “Explore ENOUGH in a playful way”. BE ENOUGH. HAVE ENOUGH. DO ENOUGH. I call it «FUNNY ENOUGH». For a long time I was longing for MORE. More possessions, more responsibilities, more power, more money, more recognition, more love, more competition. The truth is, I do not need a cherry on the cake for the cake to be delicious. Another truth is that embracing “FUNNY ENOUGH” brings a lot MORE to my ...
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“Hi Delphine, I wanted to share with you the mind map that I made during and after our conversation. I have re-watched our talk, and I’m just so appreciative all over again.I have dived in 100% to these four flowers, dancing, making flower arrangements, writing. I am both creating clients and supporting those I already have. I have you to thank for helping me remember how powerful I am. And how important my work is. Thank you. Thank you so ...
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“Before I was not unhappy. Today I am happy.”

Here is what Alice told me lately during our session in a slight apologetic tone. “How did you reach this stage?” She openly told me about the bold life choices she made (divorce, find a job to pay the bills, new friends), what drives her, how she feels, and what she is longing for. She told me about her difficult yet fulfilling journey. You see, Alice could have stayed in her “not unhappy” state. Instead, she decided to build and ...
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Laurent has weekly board meetings. They are scheduled in his calendar well in advance and they are not negotiable. When someone dares to question them, he says «I can’t meet with you, I have a board meeting». I had the pleasure to observe one of those meetings as I visited him few years ago. How he diligently prepares for this big event. How he scientifically chooses the right spot for the meeting to take place. How he dresses up in ...
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Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire dans la vie?

Cette question posée la semaine dernière par l’animateur d’un jeu radiophonique à une candidate âgée de 12 ans a illuminé ma journée. Quelle alternative inspirante au sempiternel “qu’est ce que tu fais dans la vie?” qu’on nous réserve habituellement à nous les grands ! Alors, moi ce que j’aime faire dans la vie c’est marcher en montagne, regarder un film en famille, partager  un apéro  avec des amis, manger du chocolat noir 85%, écouter de la musique, chanter à tue-tête ...
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To get a baby.To go on holidays.To take a sabbatical.To quit your job.To build a company.To write a book.To go after what you really want.Have you ever noticed that? That for the most important things «this is never the right time»?To a point that some of your «What I really want» projects transform into «Someday» projects.“Someday / When I retire/ When the kids leave the nest/ When I with the lottery / I will buy a camper van and will ...
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This is the question my coach asked me pointing at the painting in my living room. I do not recall what my answer has been. I recall the “WHY?” took me by surprise. Why did I buy this painting?Why did I choose to enter P&G and not another company?Why did I decide to have my first child at 30 and not earlier or later?Why did we move to Geneva?Why did we buy the house I am living in right now?Why ...
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Shrek has Donkey.Sherlock Holmes has Dr Watson.Han Solo has Chewbacca.Harry Potter has Hermione and Ron.The Guardians of the Galaxy are a full tribe (special crush on Groot!). Most heroes have people close to them. They are the ones who are standing by their side, no matter what. The ones who are daring to tell them the truth nobody else dares to. The ones who are challenging their thinking and help them open up new doors. The ones who will always ...
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When you were a baby and a little kid you were doing IT all the time. And you giggled. As you grew up the bruises on your legs and your ripped trousers showed you were still doing IT. And none of your scratches prevented you from showing up on the playfield. You are an adult and IT occurs less frequently. You do not let IT happen. You avoid IT. You are afraid of IT. Because, sometimes, IT hurts. The truth ...
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Mayol: Mum, I am going to interview you for my homework. Delphine: Great, let’s play! M: What is your job about? D: I create unicorns … M: It is weird, creating something that does not exist … How do you do that? D: I help my clients realize how magical they are. I have them own their magic, fully. Their brilliant magic as well as their dark magic. So that they create their colorful rainbow to live in. And by ...
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Julie lives in Hong-Kong. Before the first lockdown, she has been promoted to a Marketing Director position in a large Cosmetics company. Ever since, she is home-schooling her 3 kids, ageing from 8 to 16. While maintaining a strong relationship with her parents who live in France. The last time she hugged them was 18 months ago. She feels the pressure in her body. Back pain. Extreme fatigue. Anxiety. I am the first person she revealed that to. Since our ...
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«I am not creative, I can not do these things» (eg: write a story, draw, paint, play guitar, reach out to someone I do not know, build a business). How many times have I pronounced those words? Once, as I was pronouncing them again, a close friend stared at me and told me: “Shut up! And look at your shoes!”. I was wearing sparkling shoes. And guess what, ever since, this is what I do, every time the “you are ...
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La confiance en soi, la belle affaire!

Je n’ai pas assez de mes doigts et de mes orteils pour compter le nombre de fois où j’ai prononcé et où j’ai entendu ces 7 petits mots enchaînés: «Je n’ai pas confiance en moi». Alors, il se passe quoi? Rien, il ne se passe rien. A chaque fois que cette rengaine s’installe, elle s’accompagne d’une paralysie mentale et physique. «Je n’ai pas confiance en moi, alors ben je ne vais pas y aller, je ne vais pas le faire ...
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Le mardi, tout est permis!

Le mardi, je prends une journée off. Cerveau et téléphone en mode avion, je m’échappe de la maison pour une virée en montagne. Rarement seule, quelques fidèles m’accompagnent régulièrement. Hier, c’était mardi. Le ciel, chargé de nuages n’était pas suffisamment menaçant pour empêcher la sortie. Un brouillard épais s’est invité dès le départ, mais l’espoir de voir le soleil pointer nous a motivés à avancer dans la neige. Au sommet, un coin de ciel bleu et un panorama grandiose. Et ...
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What are your road signs?

Tell me, from the picture ... 1 - what the ONE that speaks to you the most ?2 - what is ONE you would like to add ? and what does it mean to you?Create your road, create your signs.Love,Delphine ...
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Dustin is a 20 year old student. Despite the lockdown situation and associated constraints, he is very active. On top of following his courses on-line, he also participates to theatre activities and initiated a project to drive 0 waste on the campus he is living. He talks with a lot of passion and determination about sustainability and how important it is to start making a difference. Big or small, every effort counts. Dustin is passionate, has plenty of ideas and ...
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5 golden rules for you to create your fulfilling lifestyle. Create space.Allow it to be messy.One tiny step at a time. And one tiny step every day.You do not have to do it aloneHave FUN! Here is how I started it. I call it “LESS & ENOUGH for MORE & BETTER”. I started this quest 6 months ago. Everyday I am creating and nurturing my fulfilling lifestyle. I am not done yet. Will I ever be done? Along the way, ...
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Victor works from home since March 2020. He stopped travelling the world, and really enjoys spending more time with his spouse and 2 little daughters. Yet, he feels heavily impacted, mentally and physically by how the business is managed. He is leading the supply chain for a multi-billion dollar business. Investments, staffing & succession planning, promotions, business improvement projects, have been frozen. Despite the record high profit results. “We are in an exceptional situation” is the sentence he hears the ...
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CREATE YOUR FULFILLING LIFESTYLE – Part V – REPEAT (again, and again, and again)

1 – WHAT DO YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE? Less or More or Enough or Better. ONE thing. 2 – What is ONE TINY STEP you could take today to make it happen. ONE action. 3 – DO IT. Today. And Tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow. 4 – REPEAT. 1+2+3. At your own pace. 5 – MAKE IT FUN at every stage. 6 – KEEP PLAYING. You define the rules. You can change them whenever you want. You will ...
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“Dream big. Start Small. Act now.” Robin Sharma “What do I want MORE?”“What to I want BETTER?”“What do I want LESS?”“What do I want ENOUGH” Just taking time to reflect about the above is a big step towards transformation.You might not realize it. Yet. But all the reflection you have gone through so far has already initiated change in your life. “YES, but how could I possibly go after all that? This looks like an impossible goal...”. The game carries ...
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How is the journey going for you? Are you excited? Exhausted? Do you manage to keep up with the discipline of “staying with the question”? Do not blame yourself if this is not the case. This is not about spending your day wondering “What do I want less or more or better in my life?” It is about creating this sacred space in your frantic life where you can reflect. This is not about having answers immediately. Or even soon ...
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SPOILER! I invite you to read my 2 posts related to ‘Create your fulfilling lifestyle’ before this one. create-your-fulfilling-lifestyle-get-ready CREATE YOUR FULFILLING LIFESTYLE. PART ONE. MORE & BETTER Thank you very much for embarking on this journey. I acknowledge this is not an easy one. It requires to step back from your day to day, to reflect on areas of your life that you do not necessarily want to tap into. By engaging as you are, you demonstrate a lot ...
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Laura sent me a greeting card. A wonderful picture of her family by a lake. As I called her this morning to thank her, she burst into tears. “It took us 3 hours to have this picture done. It was a nightmare. Everybody was shouting or crying. And this smile on my face. All this is fake. Reality is I am tired and sad and desperate”. Imagine you are creating a Xmas box. The outside of the box reflects what ...
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WATCHOUT SPOILER ! Please read the post called “CREATE YOUR FULFILLING LIFESTYLE. GET READY.” before jumping on this one! /create-your-fulfilling-lifestyle-get-ready/ Congratulations! You have taken time to reflect on why you would be a NO to the journey towards your fulfilling lifestyle. It means YOU ARE IN! Well. Let me check-in. Are you sure? Is there any little thing in the back of your mind that could prevent you from being a HELL YES? Perfect. It looks like you are ready ...
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“Hey, jump in my car and in about 2 hours you will reach this paradise place called “Your fulfilling lifestyle”. RUN AWAY! Are you ready to embark on a QUEST instead? No kidding. You’ll cross many unknown lands. Bright places for you to relax and recharge. And dark ones in which you will get lost. You will explore open fields, climb mountains, cross rivers. Dead ends will force you to build roads and bridges. You will fight threatening animals. You ...
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How many stories are running in your head? How many stories with no true facts behind, just based on a feeling, or on a word that you have interpreted? How many of those do you keep repeating and ruminating over and over again? If those stories were movies, what would they be? Shining? Psychose? La la land? A fairy tale? A super hero movie? I can tell you that mines are usually thriller, drama, horror movies. Those stories are neither ...
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Entre les baudriers, les cordes et la magnésie, j'échange régulièrement avec Alexis, un des membres du staff de la salle d'escalade que je fréquente. Il est au courant de mon parcours, de la wonderwoman corporate à l’entrepreneure qui aide les autres à «kiffer leur life», en passant par la case burn-out. Nos discussions prennent toujours un tournant extra-ordinaire.Il y a quelques mois de cela, Alexis m’a offert un cadeau incroyable: «J’y tiens beaucoup, je pense que ça te parlera». A ...
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“ I have a job interview, wish me luck ! ““ I am heading to my math exam, wish me luck ! ““ I am interviewing a senior executive for my podcast, wish me luck ! ““ I am speaking in front of the investors, wish me luck ! ““ I am dating this guy I am fond of, wish me luck ! ““I am meeting with my banker for my loan, wish me luck!”“I have my yearly performance review ...
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Certains ont besoin de journées monochromes : la journée « famille », la journée « réunion », la journée « admin », la journée « je téléphone aux copines », « la journée bricolage », la journée « je réfléchis à la vision des 3 prochaines années ». C’est très bien ainsi si c’est ce qui vous convient. Après avoir testé plusieurs procédés, j’en suis arrivée à la conclusion que j’ai besoin de journées « arc-en-ciel ». Des moments en ...
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Furnish your 200 square meter house.

I used to live in an 80 square meter house. In the last few weeks, I have built a 120 square meters extension to it.Few days ago, as I looked at my new house, I was thrilled. Wow so much room for further expansion still!Then I realized I did not even start furnishing and living into this new 200 square meter house. Not a single bed, a painting on a wall, a nice lamp ... This house is my comfort ...
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How do you color your life?

Same pieces. Same colors. Different shape at the end.What if those pieces are the pieces of your life. How do you choose to arrange them?You can decide to keep some of them fixed. You can decide to move some others and to link them to other pieces than those they are currently linked to..Actually you can do whatever you want.Your relationships? Your family? Your professional situation? Your health? Your personal growth? Your wealth? Your family? Your social life? Etc.“One day ...
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