Julie lives in Hong-Kong. Before the first lockdown, she has been promoted to a Marketing Director position in a large Cosmetics company. Ever since, she is home-schooling her 3 kids, ageing from 8 to 16. While maintaining a strong relationship with her parents who live in France. The last time she hugged them was 18 months ago.

She feels the pressure in her body. Back pain. Extreme fatigue. Anxiety.

I am the first person she revealed that to. Since our conversation, she started opening up and seeking for help.

Julie wants to do it all without breaking a sweat. This is how she has been raised. She is known for “her infinite capacity”. And this is what she believes is expected from her. Her parents, her boss, her kids, her partner.

Sweating is our natural air conditioning: it helps the body to cool down in front of heat (coming from our environment, stressful situation, sport, etc). Without it, the temperature of our body would never stop increasing.

Sweating is our natural detox: it allows the elimination of the organic waste and the toxins that circulate in our blood.

A body that sweats is a body that breathes. A body that sweat is a body that lives.

Stop pretending you are OK if you are not.

Start putting your real scent out there. Even if this is uncomfortable.


