Shrek has Donkey.
Sherlock Holmes has Dr Watson.
Han Solo has Chewbacca.
Harry Potter has Hermione and Ron.
The Guardians of the Galaxy are a full tribe (special crush on Groot!).
Most heroes have people close to them.
They are the ones who are standing by their side, no matter what. The ones who are daring to tell them the truth nobody else dares to. The ones who are challenging their thinking and help them open up new doors. The ones who will always help them find their way back home. With love, respect and fun.
They never gift their loyalty. The hero earns it. The sidekick reveals the hero to him.her.self. The sidekick is a hero, as well.
Look around you.
Who is ONE person holding your back no matter what. With love, respect & fun?
Could be your partner, your sister, a coach, a friend.
You do not have to find many. ONE is enough. ONE is precious. I personally think having ONE, at least, is VITAL.
Got ONE? Tell him. Tell her. Now.
Did not find one? Go create this beautiful relationship. You have that power. You are the hero of your own life. You decide who you want to have by your side.
Time to lift others up. Time to lift yourself up.
With Love, Respect & Fun,