When I workout during my HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) session, I often hear the instructor say: “Don’t go for Speed. Go for INTENSITY”.

When I practice Yoga, there is always this gentle reminder from the coach. “It does not matter if your heels don’t touch the floor or if you need a generous bend in the knees. Go for what feels good. SENSATION over shape”.

Beyond physical exercise, I realize how much I embrace those pieces of advise in my life in general and when working with my clients in particular.

One of my clients identified 3 companies she would like to contribute to. Only 3. And she decided that for the next 4 months she will take time to research those companies, understand their values and their key challenges, and connect with people working there. Against all the guidance of the people around her unconsciously trying to shape her world. “Why don’t you send CVs all over the place so that you increase your chances to get a job?”.

She connected with her belly and her heart and listened to what was opening. She courageously went deep, she expressed the sensations and only then, her brain took over to form this decision she is now transforming into reality.

Another client recently confessed to me after we closed a 6-month journey together: “I was not sure I would continue this journey with you, but there is this thing in my stomach, I knew it will cost me a bunch of money, but look at all I got so far, that’s just amazing!”. Every single session he goes deeper. He focuses on what really matters to him, learns how to shift perspective to open up additional possibilities, and from that place he takes bold and creative actions to move forward and create the life he enjoys.

INTENSITY over Speed. SENSATION over Shape.

I am curious … how does it land for you?



Photo – DP – “Fire in the sky”. January 2023.