Find : “I am not good enough”
Replace : “I am learning and improving every day. I am more than enough to make a difference”
Find: “I am lacking self-confidence”
Replace: “I am courageous and I am doing one bold step every day”
Find : “I am too old to start my own business”
Replace : “I have a great idea and I am passionate about exploring it”
Find : “I should fit in”
Replace : “I commit to cultivate my uniqueness”
Your turn : Create your Ctrl+H mantra!
> Start by catching your limiting beliefs or biases when they arise. Write them down. That is already a fantastic step forward.
> Pick one. Just one.
> Consciously choose to replace it with a more positive and empowering one.
> Practice every day. You get it !
> Catch yourself screwing up regularly. This is part if the game too.
Don’t blame yourself. It takes time and practice to change beliefs that are anchored since years. Self-compassion and patience are key. But you have this superpower. Don’t give up.
Be brave. And have fun playing!