Same pieces. Same colors. Different shape at the end.
What if those pieces are the pieces of your life. How do you choose to arrange them?
You can decide to keep some of them fixed. You can decide to move some others and to link them to other pieces than those they are currently linked to..
Actually you can do whatever you want.
Your relationships? Your family? Your professional situation? Your health? Your personal growth? Your wealth? Your family? Your social life? Etc.
“One day maybe”, “When kids leave the nest”, “When I retire”
Most of the people think that the choices they have made in their life are irreversible.
I think that most of our choices are reversible and that it is never too late to live a created life.
It might sound simple, even simplistic. I am not saying it is easy though. On the contrary.
Going after what you really want is a bumpy and rocky journey.
And it requires a lot of determination, courage, and perseverance.
You see, you can arrange the pieces the way you want.
Something will pop-up out of it.
Something colorful, something unique, something you can keep playing with.
Your game. Your rules. Play.
What are you waiting for?
Tell me, how do YOU color your life ?
With Love,