“I have a great life, yet I feel miserable. It is not acceptable isn’t it? Some people have the right to complain, but I can’t, really, look at me, great job, healthy family, dream house…”.

You feel that something is wrong. And it is bugging in your head. You call it a problem. And you are good at solving problems, aren’t you? You are doing it at work and at home every day.

“I need to fix it”. And the faster the better… You do not know where to start, or you have an idea on how to drive change in your life but the mountain in front of you looks so big you are completely frozen and do not make a move. Here comes anger, frustration, fatigue.

So tactically, you find a way to escape this state. This is usually when we start engaging in -and repeating- activities that help us feel good for a little while, but that actually do not make our life any better.

And even after you realize this is not good for you and does not improve your life, you carry on. Because it’s easy.

Few glasses of wine back home after work? A lover? Compulsive shopping of shoes and hand bags? Staying one hour extra every day at work? Too much chocolate? Extreme sport? Pills? Gambling? Surfing on socials or watching TV until late at night?
(I let you guess which ones are mines!)

This is called ADDICTION.

-“But Delphine.. I’m not an addict!
-“Well… maybe that’s a lie…”

Don’t try to fix anything. Don’t waste your time and energy. Greet yourself where you are. And use this place as a lever to create the life you want to really live, step by step.

When aspiration replaces addiction. When slow, long and deep inner work replaces a quick fix.

Are you willing to commit to that journey? So tell me … what is one step you are making today to make your life better?




Credit to KS Choice and Steven Pressfield for the inspiration.