Please read the post called “CREATE YOUR FULFILLING LIFESTYLE. GET READY.” before jumping on this one! /create-your-fulfilling-lifestyle-get-ready/
You have taken time to reflect on why you would be a NO to the journey towards your fulfilling lifestyle.
It means YOU ARE IN!
Well. Let me check-in. Are you sure? Is there any little thing in the back of your mind that could prevent you from being a HELL YES?
Perfect. It looks like you are ready.
Now. Create space for yourself. A safe space. Free of distraction. Go for a walk eventually. Breathe deeply. Take your time.
Slow down.
1. Ask yourself: “What do I want MORE in my life?”
2. Ask yourself: “What do I want BETTER in my life?”
PAUSE. Stay there. No rush. Sit with those 2 questions every day for the next 15 days.
Remember, this is a quest.
Be kind to yourself. Write down what comes to you. Your answers to the questions above and also your sensations and your insights.
Tell me: how do you feel while embarking on this journey?
I’d love to hear where you are in your journey. Email me
To be continued … You’ll hear from me in 2 weeks from now.
PS : couple of elements I want more & better in my life >> Better SLEEP – More SELF-COMPASSION