Laurent has weekly board meetings. They are scheduled in his calendar well in advance and they are not negotiable. When someone dares to question them, he says «I can’t meet with you, I have a board meeting».

I had the pleasure to observe one of those meetings as I visited him few years ago.

How he diligently prepares for this big event. How he scientifically chooses the right spot for the meeting to take place. How he dresses up in his special outfit. How he carefully checks on his material.

And, when he is ready, he takes off on his kitesurf board.

Unapologetically, he enjoys this couple of hours he created for himself.

He knows how sacred this space is.

It contributes to him being

  • fully present to his wife and their 3 loving children.
  • extremely focused on strategy, sharp decision making and people development as a CFO for a large luxury company.
  • a generous and inspiring friend.

The secret is … he did not wait to become a father of 3 or to be in the C-Suite to have board meetings.

When we met 20 years ago he already had them. In calendar and non negotiable.

It is possible.

And It is up to YOU to make it happen.

So, tell me, what is your personal board meeting?

