• What if this company I had interviews with does not call me back to offer me the job?
  • What if I do not make it ?
  • What if I do make it ?
  • What if she says “NO” to my offer ?
  • What if the relationship I am engaging into is not as fulfilling as it looks?
  • What if after 3 months I figure out this is not the right place for me to live in?

I hear “What if” scenarios from my clients all the time. And I am making my own ones regularly too.

“What if you switch your brain off, and deeply connect with your guts? … What is there?”

And from that place, usually, magic occurs.

What if you start letting your heart and belly take over your brain and show you the way?

What if you start creating your life from a place of love and not from a place of fear ?

It works for me.

What if it works for you too ?


