“Dream big. Start Small. Act now.”
Robin Sharma
- “What do I want MORE?”
- “What to I want BETTER?”
- “What do I want LESS?”
- “What do I want ENOUGH”
Just taking time to reflect about the above is a big step towards transformation.
You might not realize it. Yet.
But all the reflection you have gone through so far has already initiated change in your life.
“YES, but how could I possibly go after all that? This looks like an impossible goal…”.
The game carries on.
Pick ONE thing you want more or better or less or enough. Just one. Do not overthink it. There are only right answers.
Got it?
Let’s say you want less distraction in your life (web surfing, scrolling your emails or whatsapp messages).
What is one very tiny step you could make today to get less distraction in your life?
Aka: switch your phone to flight mode one hour a day, move all whatsapp messages to silent, decide you only answer emails from 10 to 11am …
You pick ONE thing. You decide ONE tiny action. And you do it. Now.
So tell me, what is ONE tiny action you are taking now to start transforming your life?
To be continued …
Stay safe. Have fun.
Do not wait to be ready. You already are.