If you cannot risk, if you stay in your comfort zone, how will you grow ? How will you keep developing yourself? How do you become the best version of yourself? How do you offer your best talents to the world? 

If you go through your life without ever feeling butterflies in your stomach or feeling scared shitless, you are not playing big enough. Your are hiding your best self.

Good news#1 : TO PLAY BIG … START SMALL.

You don’t have to take huge, insane risks to experience significant growth.

Start small:

  • Speaking up your opinion in this meeting today, you dare.
  • A thank you note you’ve been thinking about, you send.
  • This thing you realize you can not do alone, you ask help for.
  • This workout slot in your calendar that you are not allowing yourself to take, you schedule.

You may hear voices in your head whispering:

  • “I shouldn’t have said that.”
  • “What if he doesn’t want to talk to me? “
  • “I’ll get fired showing my weakinesses”
  • “what will others think if I leave early ?”


Every small step you take outside of your comfort zone expands it. And expands who you truly are. 

Do you feel those butterflies in your stomach? As long as they are with you, you are exactly where you need to be. 

Unlike caterpillars, butterflies have wings. And wings are made to fly. 

Start. Now. 
Grow. Now.
Fly. Now.

And tell me, what is one small risk you are going to take today?

Be brave!





I was so scared when I thought about traversing the Etale back in August 2022. And I was excited at the same time. I had so many butterflies in my stomach!  And it turned out to be way less terrifying than I had imagined. It went smoothly, thanks to my previous hikes of a similar nature and to my hiking companions, as we lift each other up !

I realize the more I strengthen my courage muscle and keep moving forward despite my fears, the easier it becomes.

Have fun practising!