Same period year ago, my daughter Jeanne started complaining about an intense pain in her wrist.

It took us 3 months to figure out what was going on so that she could finally be relieved from her pain.

3 months during which our family had to cope with doctors appointments, medical exams, and physiotherapy sessions. Jeanne missed school occasionally and had to catch-up on her lessons. My husband informed his boss several times he is taking few hours off to accompany Jeanne to her medical appointments, and I rescheduled clients appointments multiple times to be there for her.

Prioritizing Jeanne’s health was a no-brainer.

However, looking back, I can’t help but reflect on the times when I pushed myself to the limits for work. I’ve shown up at the office with a high fever, relying on drugs just to make it through the day, travelled with an injured knee, barely able to walk, and even attended business reviews right after surgery. Yep, that used to be me. Nothing to be proud of.

Sounds familiar?

One of my clients twisted her ankle few a weeks ago. “As long as it doesn’t prevent me from driving, going to work, or taking care of my family, it’s not a big deal.”

But the pain persists, silently affecting her life, keeping her from her three-times-a-week runs, and causing more and more body discomfort.

– “What if this had happened to one of your children?”
– “It’s different with my kids; I’d do whatever it takes to help them because I love them so much. But in my case, you see, I know by experience that the pain will eventually pass.”
– “What if you gave yourself as much love as you would give to your own kids?”

She literally froze and avoided the discussion.

Until few days ago and the heartfelt voice message she left me:

“Our conversation keeps replaying in my mind. This self-love thing. I never learned it. I do not know how to do it. It sounds so hard. But you keep reminding me I did not sign up for “easy”. So from today onwards, I commit I will treat myself as my “4th child” and I will give myself as much love as I give to my other 3. Because I deserve it. And I am proud to say I’ve scheduled a doctor appointment, I go there next week”.

What a step forward !

I know how much effort taking this commitment demands from her. And I also know that she will honor it fully. Even if this is hard. Even if she falls on the rocky path. She will carry on.

Take care of yourself. This is a NO BRAINER.

The world won’t stop spinning if you don’t. And surprisingly enough, it won’t stop spinning if you do. But in the latter case, YOUR world will undoubtedly spin much better.


