I block every Tuesday off in my calendar. Providing good weather conditions, I go outdoor for a hike. The day before yesterday, none of my usual “partners in hike” was available.

After several hesitations and excuses (weather is not that good, I am a bit tired, I’d better work on this important tender), I decided to shut my carousel of saboteurs off, and headed towards the Alps.

The truth is it is far easier for me to commit to someone else than honouring the commitments I make to myself. And it is also very uncomfortable to end up being alone with my thoughts for a full day.

Honestly, last Tuesday, it took me a while to welcome the experience.

Most of the ascent was in the shade, and despite my four layers of clothing and two pairs of gloves I was freezing. Not a single human soul to say “hi!” to. No “chamois”, no “bouquetins”. Cold grey rocky giants, ice, snow and silence. And in the middle of all that, me alone with my body, soul and thoughts. Very very uncomfortable.

It felt like an eternity before the sun started warming me up. Within seconds, as I looked away from my feet, my level of energy rose up in front of the breathtaking scenery.

After those moments of pain and doubt, I reached the summit of the day with ease, a quiet mind, a relaxed body and fully connected with Nature. This amazing feeling of being at the right place and belonging to something much greater than self.

Creating this ME space was definitely the best use of my time and energy that day.

And the more I practice solitude time, the more I realize how much it helps me grow as a human soul.

This is not about becoming a hermit or an old-cat lady. It is about consciously stepping out of all the distractions we create in our lives to avoid the deep work. After all, if you have uncomfortable question marks running around in your head, how convenient it is to fill your day with meetings, to enjoy a light coffee chat with a friend, surf on socials and keep your brain occupied all day long?

I invite you to start small. Few minutes a day, alone with yourself. Try different approaches (eg: short walk, meditation class, breathing exercises, journaling). No phone, no TV, no music. You + You.

Find what works for you.

I promise it will be uncomfortable. And rewarding. Don’t give up.

You might me surprised … You might long for more of it… You might even enjoy your own company …

And when you are ready, tell me, how do you incorporate solitude in your life?

You are worth your time.

