Some people in my circle work relentlessly for 6 weeks then enjoy a full week off. Others choose to dedicate all their afternoons to their children or practicing their favorite sport, while being fully committed to their paying jobs in the mornings. Some juggle most of the year between volunteering, family, professional responsibilities, and reserve the entire summer for personal rejuvenation.

The spectrum of lifestyle configurations is infinite. And what suits you today might not meet your needs 6 months from now. The pattern is constantly evolving.

After many trials and reflections, I have crafted what works for me at this moment in time : “My rainbow day”.

My ideal Rainbow Day encapsulates all the facets I value in life:

  • The experiences I want to have in my lifetime (love, friendships, adventures, living environment)
  • My personal growth (health & fitness, intellectual stimulation, skills development, spiritual enrichment)
  • My contribution to the world (community involvement, family bonds, creation, career)

My ideal day is a mosaic of these 3 pillars’ elements. And most of my days actually are.

Let me paint a recent one. The warmth of a morning tea shared with a friend, a refreshing yoga session, then supporting Jeanne in finalizing her internship report, a fulfilling coaching session with a potential client, followed by dedicated writing time, an interesting training session on how CPG companies address their scope 3 emissions, quality time with the family enjoying board games and planning our upcoming trip to Paris, and closing with a movie night with my husband.

A kaleidoscope of love, friendship, adventure, health & fitness, intellectual stimulation, skills development, spiritual enrichment, family time, creativity, professional growth … All sprinkled generously with abundant FUN ! 

In creating such days, I’ve also learned the art of saying ‘NO’—a conscious choice to keep my focus on what truly nourishes my life (like gracefully declining a 7pm virtual networking event that day).

Regardless of your chosen time organization method, remember one crucial aspect: REST is an integral part of the process. Don’t overlook it.

Now, I’m curious. What is your personal recipe that helps you create your fulfilling life?

Keep playing.



Picture – I started playing with DALL-E … and I love it !