“I am who I am, it is far too late for me to change anything”
” What would other people think if I start embarking in this journey?”
“Anyway I don’t have time for that. Work and Family obligations already suck up all my time and energy”
“I don’t feel like meditating 30 minutes every day. This is not my thing”.
“It is too complicated to change my habits”.

Most people think that “Reinventing yourself” is a too high mountain to climb.

I think “Reinventing yourself” is a consequence of tiny acts of courage.

Small steps compound and create exponential effect. Slowly but surely.

Some steps my clients have taken on their path:

  • Once a month I have a conversation with someone who inspires me.
  • A new hair cut
  • One day a week without my watch
  • 15 minutes walk around the building after lunch. Every day.
  • No phone during breakfast – lunch – dinner + Saturday.
  • 30 minutes of sport with a close friend. Twice a week. Locked in work and family calendar
  • Work from home once a week.
  • Me + My husband. Dining out. Once a month.
  • Private guitar lessons
  • Sing out loud in my car on my way back home to empty all out
  • Pick one company I would like to work for. Approach one person in that company. And invite for a conversation
  • Every morning, I wake up and proudly declare in front of my mirror “I AM ENOUGH”.
  • Learning how to ski after 40. Book one lesson. Just one.

… And so much more

Anything that helps you, one step at a time, expand your comfort zone while moving towards your aspirations!

“THE WAY” is the one you create. Give yourself the permission to BE.

And tell me … what is “one tiny act of Courage” you are ready to commit to today?

