• Kicked-out after 30 years of service: “Too old and too expensive”.
  • Always fit and healthy. A bad pain in the stomach. And the doctor diagnoses cancer.
  • One of you relatives dies suddenly.
  • You divorce after 35 years of marriage.
  • You follow a friend’s advise and invest all your savings in a safe investment that appears to be a Ponzi scheme. You lose it all.

Look around you. Sound familiar?

Most of us crave assurance, stability, absolute security, the promise of a perfect health, unwavering success, endless happiness, or enduring relationships.

This is bogus. As Clint Eastwood once said, “If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster”.

Life is dynamic, constantly evolving, unpredictable, full of surprises, a collection of fleeting moments and emotions. Relationships evolve, careers transform, and circumstances shift.

In that context, what’s the point of wasting our time seeking impossible guarantees?

How about shifting the focus towards embracing unexpected life’s twists and turns as a learning experiences?

And with a “growth mindset”, transform this grey zone called “THE UNKNOWN” into a open field of possibilities, a place to unleash our talents and creativity, a space for magic and the extraordinary to occur?

Alternatively, you can choose to buy a toaster 😉

Your turn. Pause. Breathe deep. Turn within. And reflect. Where in your life are you seeking a guarantee?

What do you need to change?

I did not say this journey is an easy one. But it’s worth the try.

I guarantee.


