«I am not creative, I can not do these things» (eg: write a story, draw, paint, play guitar, reach out to someone I do not know, build a business).

How many times have I pronounced those words?

Once, as I was pronouncing them again, a close friend stared at me and told me: “Shut up! And look at your shoes!”. I was wearing sparkling shoes.

And guess what, ever since, this is what I do, every time the “you are not creative” bug knocks at the door. I look at my shoes.

Most of the people believe they are not creative.

The truth is we all are creative. We all have a spark of magic to give to the world.

Most of the time we do not give ourselves permission to tap into that pot. We shy away. We find tons of excuses. “He is a real artist, I am not”. “My idea is crap” (until the girl next door implements it …), “I need to master the creative process first” (What the hell is that?) “What is going to happen if I open this Pandora box?”

It does not have to be hard. It is up to you to make it fun! And it is extremely rewarding.

So, now, SHUT UP! Look at your (sparkling) shoes eventually. AND GO CREATE!

Starting point idea: How about creating 15 minutes of space everyday for what matters to you the most?

Have fun!

