Few weeks ago I met a guy.
I must admit I had many biases before even engaging in a discussion with him!
In fact, one mutual relationship told me “why do you even bother talking to him? I experienced working with him few years ago, and honestly, it did not go well”.
Since we were participating to the same workshop, avoiding him was not really an acceptable strategy.
And actually what I was told piqued my curiosity.
So this guy and I ended up chatting. And we had a fascinating conversation. I really enjoyed this time together.
I am a heavy reader. I have books to read for a lifetime already and it keeps piling up.
When I start a book and after few pages (sometimes 20, sometimes 200) there is no fit, I close the book, and move to another one. This is one of my privileges as a reader. Voilà.
“We are like books. Most people only see our cover, the minority read only the introduction, many people believe the critics. Few will know our content.”
(Quote attributed to Emile Zola when I searched for the English version of it … and to Woody Allen for the French version … Interesting …)
It is worth opening the book. And then you decide which one you close after few pages, or you keep by your side for a lifetime … or anything in between. This is your privilege.
And YOU as a book are also worth opening. Maybe this is the one you open first. This one not to be closed after few pages.
Have fun reading.