Laura sent me a greeting card. A wonderful picture of her family by a lake.

As I called her this morning to thank her, she burst into tears. “It took us 3 hours to have this picture done. It was a nightmare. Everybody was shouting or crying. And this smile on my face. All this is fake. Reality is I am tired and sad and desperate”.

Imagine you are creating a Xmas box.

The outside of the box reflects what you show to the world and how other people see you. What are the pictures you stick on it? A beautiful family picture? Your hobbies? You smiling, happy, and working hard?

Now, you decorate the inside of the box. How do you feel on the inside? Really. What are your secret fears, your doubts, the things most of the people do not know about you?

How different is the inside from the outside? How surprised would be your closest ones by discovering the inside?

As Xmas is approaching, I invite you to offer this gift to yourself. Turn the inside out. Dare to show what is inside your box.

I invite you to accept who you are. As a whole.


