I press the button on my toothbrush, type on my computer keyboard, boil water for my tea, enter a Zoom conference, answer emails and whatsapp messages, manage my schedule, pick up the phone, arrange for a doctor appointment, etc.

Most of my days are filled with mechanical tasks. I am not a robot tough. Neither are you. We are human beings. Flesh and blood. Easy to forget sometimes.

  • The soil beneath my feet supports me as I hike.
  • Sweat purifies me as the path becomes steep.
  • The sun shines and warms me up.
  • A breeze refreshes my skin.

I expand inside as I contemplate breathtaking landscapes.

Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. Body to Nature connection is an essential way for me to go back to the roots. To break the mechanical pattern of the DOING and focus on the organical flow of my BEING. And move from that place.

That’s why my “Hiking Tuesdays” are so precious.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Deeply. Connect to your roots. Who are you Being?

