How is the journey going for you? Are you excited? Exhausted? Do you manage to keep up with the discipline of “staying with the question”?
Do not blame yourself if this is not the case. This is not about spending your day wondering “What do I want less or more or better in my life?”
It is about creating this sacred space in your frantic life where you can reflect.
This is not about having answers immediately. Or even soon. This is about sitting in the space you have created and embracing the comfort and discomfort being there.
There are questions I am sitting with since months. Did I found THE answer? Definitely not.
But reflecting on those questions on a regular basis allows different ideas and perspectives to pop-up.
So by now you have asked yourself
1 – What you want MORE in your life
2 – What you want BETTER in your life
3 – What you want LESS in your life
And you might have found some answers to those ones.
Time to sit again and stay with this one, for a week or so.
“What do I want ENOUGH in my life?”
I honestly admit this was one of the most uncomfortable question I sat with in the past months.
Slow down. Take your time. This is your quest.
And when you are ready, tell me ONE thing that you want ENOUGH in your life.
Stay tuned,
PS – MONEY is one element I want ENOUGH in my life.