I used to live in an 80 square meter house. In the last few weeks, I have built a 120 square meters extension to it.
Few days ago, as I looked at my new house, I was thrilled. Wow so much room for further expansion still!
Then I realized I did not even start furnishing and living into this new 200 square meter house. Not a single bed, a painting on a wall, a nice lamp …
This house is my comfort zone.
In the last 90 days, I was playing this game:”every day one step out of my comfort zone”. Does not necessarily has to be a giant step. A baby step is enough.
With that in mind, I dared to
- > sign-up to a high-performer group coaching program.
- > connect with people I would never have dared to connect with.
- > successfully climb my first 6c pitch ever.
- > post regularly on LinkedIn and share my thinking with my community.
- > create my lifestyle and fully live through it now, with less of xxx & enough of xxx for more xxx and better xxx.
My comfort zone expanded significantly in the last 3 months. To a point I started to become uncomfortable in my own comfort zone. Isn’t it paradoxical?
I have moved from a 80m2 to a 200m2 house but still live in half the space.
I felt too big in an 80 square meters house. I feel a bit tiny in this expanded comfort zone.
I need to live in it, set it up for it to become my home place and to be comfortable living in it.
The way I am stepping out of my comfort zone those days is to sit with this newly extended place I have created. Illuminate the space from within, decorate it, furnish it. Live in it for some time.
Here are some of the furniture I am displaying in my house:
- Write 30 min everyday.
- Workout up to 5 days a week. Respect my body if it claims for less sometimes.
- Explore the various rooms (ie give thinking space) eg
* Courage: how the courage I have on the climbing wall nurtures the one at work and vice-versa.
* Inspire & Get Inspired
* Be a playful pro. What does this mean? What does this imply? - > Carry-on with my research project and connect with people who live a “fulfilling lifestyle”.
- > More 6b and 6c pitches. More “fall of the wall”.
Until the “comfortably uncomfortable” turns into “uncomfortably comfortable”. This will be the sign it is time to build a new extension to the house.
What about YOU? Tell me one thing about your relationship with your comfort zone!