“I used to chase a career, now I am a unicorn living in a rainbow.”
Delphine Przenioslo
Chapter 1 – The Rise and Fall of a WonderWoman

WonderWoman works in one of the largest companies in the world, as a Supply Chain Director. She has a large scope of responsibilities, works hard, is competitive, deals with many projects and various organizations globally. And she loves it. People go to her to seek advice and she loves it. She is engaged in many different topics with many different people, she is a decision maker, she receives fantastic feedback, keeps on climbing the corporate ladder and getting more and more responsibilities. And she just LOVES it.
Wonderwoman’s partner also has a demanding job that requires travel. And they have two lovely children, full of energy, who like to take part in many activities and discover the world. And she has many relatives and friends she wants to stay in touch with. And obviously WonderWoman is fit and healthy and makes it a point of honour to work out every day.
“How do you manage?” is the question she hears the most. “What’s a problem? There are only solutions. To implement”, she replies, smiling (Ah, Wonderwoman is always smiling and joking. She is really cool, isn’t she?).
For 20 years, I used to be that WonderWoman. And I really enjoyed it. What a thrill. Always in motion, during work days, weekends, holidays. I really enjoyed feeling the powerful energy and having infinite body and mind capacity. No joke, really.
I used to be that WonderWoman. Until the varnish cracked. Until I started yelling frequently at my husband and kids because there was always a small thing bothering me. Until I felt really bad inside despite having everything on paper. Until I started crying in the parking lot before entering the office, and again when leaving, and just managing to hold in my tears in between. Until I woke up as tired as I went to bed. Until I was wondering all day long at work what the meaning was of what I was doing and how I could possibly be paid this outrageous amount on my payslip. Until sport was not pleasure any more but just a task on the ‘TO DO’ list. Until I did not feel like meeting up with friends. Until I had no energy to even play with my kids. Until my body broke and I was physically sick with unbearable stomach pain. Until I looked at my kids and realized I’d better react fast. Until I called the doctor. Until she pronounced the word ‘BURN-OUT’.
Chapter 2 – A Pile of Shit on a Roller Coaster

Where’s WonderWoman? Where is she when she is needed the most? Where is the strength, the power, the fighting mindset? She is gone…
Instead lies Pile Of Shit (P.O.S). P.O.S. is crying all day long, painfully crawling from bed to couch. P.O.S. has no energy at all and this is driving her MAD because she knows that not so long ago, she actually was a WonderWoman. P.O.S. feels ashamed, guilty, useless, powerless, afraid, with no future, terrified, puzzled, confused, naked, vulnerable, unable to think, groggy, full of doubts, etc. The experts are telling her recovery will take time, that she needs to accept and to rest. But what does it mean, it will take time? 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 year… nobody knows. Unbearable…
P.O.S. has lost control and without even noticing embarks on a roller coaster. A Pile Of Shit on a roller coaster. Do you picture it? Ups and downs and ups and downs, and good days and bad bad bad days, and one bright day in 2 weeks of dark ones. And this carries on and on and on, and it turns and it changes every day. And how difficult it is for your partner, your kids, your family, your friends, who are trying to help and support as much as they can but at the same time know you need to stay in the pain and find your own way through it, at your own pace.
You might wonder how long it took. I’ll spare you all the details. Despite all the support I received from my dearest ones and from the specialists, it took me more than a year until I made the following statement: “I am OK to be on a roller coaster, I can deal with the journey if need be but seriously, I do not want to be a Pile of Shit any longer, it really stinks!”
Chapter 3 – Crafting the Unknown

Working for two decades in a corporate environment, I had the privilege to partner with many extraordinary individuals. And I really enjoyed those times of building relationships, one at a time, so that we could both bring out our best to serve the business. I saw other souls blooming, and I saw myself blooming when somebody created this safe and nurturing space for me. And I knew at that time I needed something that could help me flourish again.
Early 2019, I enrolled in a training course to become a coach. I put off paying the invoice, because I knew that when the money would be sent from my bank account, this would mean a huge commitment. But eventually I pressed the ‘Pay’ button. Guess what? This was by far the best time, energy, and money investment I could have made at that moment.
How did it even cross my mind to enter the coaching field? I can hardly remember. I deeply knew I did not want to come back short term to a corporate environment or work in a Supply Chain, at least short term. I wanted to create my own “thing”. I felt there was something for me to explore by being at service to people. And I tried many things. I engaged as a volunteer for a local association; I experimented with sophrology, as a client, but also wondering whether this could be a field for me to work in. What about teaching yoga?
Most probably the turning point was a conversation with a former colleague, now a close friend. This moment she said: “You have always been more than a line manager to me; you have been a guide, a role-model, a coach!”. Her words touched me deeply. I did not even know what a “coach” was except for in a sports field. I started researching and reaching out to coaches in my network. I met inspiring people who lifted me up and supported me when I decided to explore this field.
And it stayed for some reason. It is THE thing I was looking for at that moment.
I transformed massively and have made several life changing decisions:
- I have left the company I was working with for 20 years
- I have launched my own business
- I have hired a personal coach
- I have hired a personal Pilates trainer
- I have invested in a couple of group coaching programs
- I have found creative ways to keep being at service as a coach despite the sanitary crisis
- I have certified as a facilitator with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology
- I’ve gotten rid of several “energy drainer” friends
- I follow my inspiration, and I meet with fascinating people and work on inspiring projects, as a coach and as a supply chain consultant
- I block time in my calendar for climbing and connecting with Nature
- I post my thoughts regularly on LinkedIn, aiming at provoking your own thinking
- I love my life. Genuinely.
After 20 years chasing a “career”, I am now owning who I am. And I am creating the life I want to live.
Chapter 4 – The Courage of Being.

I believe that everyone can and deserves to live a fulfilled life. That no matter the circumstances, it is up to each and every one of us to create opportunities.
This is about …
- Accepting your true colors.
- Embracing yourself as a whole, your bright side as well as your dark side. Your successes as well as your failures.
- Defining what is important for you.
- Experimenting.
- Going deep inside.
- Your willingness to invest money, time, and energy.
- Courage. Commitment. Determination. Fear. Perseverance. Power.
- Vulnerability.
This is about YOU.
The clients I work with
- DREAM. Big and even bigger. They have a big vision for themselves.
- DARE. To invest in themselves.
- DO. One step at a time. One step every day. They are committed.
- DO IT AGAIN. AGAIN. AND AGAIN. They persevere. Even if they are scared.
Ah, and they are fun to be around.
If this sounds like YOU, then you and I should have a conversation.
I am on this journey with you.