1:1 Coaching

When people call me for a conversation, they usually have no clue how they want to work with me. The truth is I have no clue either before I have a chance to actually talk to the person, deeply.
I have no tariff grid. I have no predefined individual program that I will force you to fit into.
I craft the program for you and with you.
You are the source of it.
This is how we create your transformation.
Here are some examples of recent examples of programs I have co-created for and with my clients.
- Self-Love revolution. A 6-month program. We meet 2 times per month for 60 minutes, over Zoom. Unlimited email / whatsapp access in between sessions. We focus on i) your energy, ii) your self-worth and your values, iii) your limiting beliefs, iv) your tribe, v) playful experimentation.
- Gazelle: Creating Lightness & Fun. 8 session program. We meet 1 to 2 times per month for 60 minutes, either face to face or over Zoom. Unlimited email/whatsapp access in between sessions. We focus on i) the child in you, ii) what is holding you back, iii) your time & energy, iv) your support system, iv) action vs perfection
- Be an entrepreneur. A 4-month program. We start in-person with 3 hours intensive using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology, then we meet weekly for 45 minutes, over Zoom. We focus on i) what you want to create, ii) playing to your values & strengths, iii) creating everyday, despite fear & resistance, iv) respecting your energy, v) who you surround yourself with.
These give you a flavor of what could be possible. But I will never recommend any coaching program before you have had an hour long coaching experience with me.
I call it the “Light the Fire” session. And there is no charge for this conversation.
It will allow you to decide if I am a good fit for you. And vice-versa.
This is how I work.
The clients I work with all embrace the following 4D mindset:
They DREAM. Big and even bigger. They have a big vision for themselves.
They DARE. To invest in themselves. Time, energy, money.
They DO. One step at a time. One step every day. They are committed.
They DO IT AGAIN. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN. They persevere. Even if they are scared.
And they are fun to be around.
If you are interested in working together, please contact me, stating briefly what the life is that you want to paint.